Offer and acceptance. Drive by only! The subject building is a detached structure with 5,310 square feet of building area. The improvements were built in 1963. The building is oriented toward the Clematis Avenue street frontage. It is adjoined by a surface parking lot. The building layout is a typical convent design and was last occupied as a convent. It is a two story building. The first floor has two offices, living room, sanctuary, kitchen, dining room, half bathroom, and utility room. The 2nd floor has a living room, eight bedrooms and four bathrooms. The 1st Floor is roughly 2,655 SF, 2nd Floor 2,655 SF for a gross building area of approximately 5,310 SF. Poured reinforced concrete foundation walls and footings. Wood and masonry frame. Aluminum siding 2nd floor brick veneer 1st floor. Asphalt shingle roof over wood deck and joists. Central gas hot water baseboard heat and through wall electrical cooling units. Wall to wall carpeting, linoleum and ceramic tile. Three space surface macadam parking lot.